May 25, 2017
The top 5 challenges that the business owners face today while maximizing their sales growth are:
- Innovation
- Technology
- Diversity
- Information Overload and
- On-Time Strategic Thinking & Problem Solving
These challenges become more invincible when the time dimension gets added to this complexity. In today’s economy, keeping pace with the change is not only a challenge anymore – if not tackled well it becomes a major threat to the business.
Therefore, real time sales data analysis from the huge dump of historical information and taking due actions based on this has become the need of the hour. Be it innovation or strategic thinking or problem solving – if not implemented by the sales team at the right time loses its value and do not contribute to business growth.
The call of the hour in todays fast pace world therefore, is not traditional BI systems anymore for Sales Team but intelligent BI tools which can provide real time insights to the team and help the business to sustain in this increasingly dynamic marketplace.
The business intelligence suite of EasyReports along with its features like customizing reports, scheduling, creating alerts as per the business needs, real time integration with Tally ERP9 helps to track the salesforce on-time and maximize the productivity of the organization.
The BI (Business Intelligence) engine of EasyReports slices and dices data from Tally and provides-
- Customized Daily, Weekly, Monthly Sales Report
- Generate real time reports Salesperson and Manager wise
- Can track location of the sales persons in field
- Generates reports with Pending Orders
- Provides Customer Rankings
- Does Contribution Analysis
The customized sales dashlets (part of dashboard) help the business owner to have a bird’s eye view of
- Target Vs actual revenue achieved by salesforce on individual basis
- Measures KPIs set for Sales Team
- Provides comparative sales figure analysis
- Displays real time Revenue for a defined period area wise/ zone wise, channel wise and product segment wise
The business owners can even create customized alerts for sales based on their business needs, schedule critical reports to be generated automatically and exported by the system directly to their inboxes.
With the help of these sales BI dashlets, the analytical reports and other tracking features, the current vs projected revenue can be tracked. The sales force thereby can be directed in the right direction with a revised strategy which eventually would help the business attain its desired growth in the desired time period.