June 5, 2017
Information is one of the most important assets of any organization. Therefore, the organization now-a-days have understood the importance business intelligence tools and analytics obtained from crunching transactional information/ data. However, the reliability, security, and privacy of data in BI tools are major concerns for users and businesses today.
Information is valuable and therefore, needs to be protected in any organization. Information security hence is important to all organization to protect their information and conducts their business When we speak about information security we basically ensure data confidentiality and data integrity as data plays the crucial role in operation procedures in an organization.

When a system is reliably secure and private, its users develop trust in the system/application.
In this context, we should understand clearly what we exactly mean by security, privacy and trust.
Security refers to the level of resistance of the application/ product to threats. Privacy is about the access and control of data and sharing of information to people with different roles in an organization.

Easy Reports (an Accounting BI tool) provides two types of securities –
- Role-based security
- Field level Security
- With the Role Based Security, access to the reports in Easy Reports can be controlled based on the role. By defining the roles of the team members who would use Easy Reports, the admin can control access at report levels. This entire role based security ensures a proper access of reports to proper personnel. Not everybody in an entire organization would have access to all the reports once this access control feature is properly configured in Easy Reports. So a salesperson would get access only to sales reports while an accountant could get access to the financial reports only.
- Field Level Security gives a typical control access on critical data. Therefore, all the parameters would not be visible to all. Depending on access privileges the respective fields/ parameters would be displayed in the reports while getting generated by different team members from different roles. With Field level security one can control granular level access to data within a report, e.g. sales for a particular location or godown, or debtors for a particular salesperson, etc.
- Even, reports can be filtered based on the responsibility of the user (ie access control privilege of the role who has logged in). This ensures the security by enabling restricted access to that particular portion of the report, which is relevant for that particular role.
In short, ‘secured report’ is a quintessential characteristic of Easy Reports (an accounting business intelligence product) that ensures optimum access to the generated reports. This ensures that Easy Reports takes care of all the dimensions when it comes to Information Security and thus protects the interest of the organization from security and privacy aspect.