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How Tally-Integrated BI Helps SMEs Make Smarter Decisions

Tally Integrated BI – The Next Step for SMEs

July 26, 2018

As digital technology has advanced, BI tools have also gone through an upgrade. Business Intelligence, in today’s age, involves not only analysis of transactional data but also includes predictive analysis nowadays. One of the main functions of a BI tool is to give real time analysis thus converting the transactional data into actionable. Which helps to increase company’s efficiency. In the current market, there are loads of affordable and even free BI software available that can be used by small scale organizations. But to select the right one suitable for your organization is quite a challenge. As advanced big data solutions have become the norm of doing business nowadays, using BI tools is the next logical step for eve most small and medium sized companies. In this blog, we will discuss how Tally-Integrated BI helps SMEs make smarter decisions.

EasyReports is one such BI tool that provides affordable analytical and reporting solutions for all SMEs. The software comes with complete Tally ERP 9 integration. This real time integration with Tally helps the business owner to get a holistic picture of the performance of the organization on a real time basis. It also works well with SAP B1, NAV Reports & MIS programs. Apart from analytic insights, Easy Reports also helps a business to generate quick and easy financial reports.

A BI tool with Tally integration can produce flexible, timely reports to provide meaningful, actionable data. Users can clearly see, sort and analyze sales and pricing information, as well as inventory levels, payable, and receivable. They can also analyze division results, the root cause of sales decline, and the need for additional resources and training. They receive an overall snapshot of finance, sales, and inventory over dynamic periods. Using Tally integrated BI tool helps SMEs to maintain precise and detailed reports on all aspects of the business operations.

The main benefits of Business Intelligence integrated with Tally are:

Saves time

BI software is about automating processes. BI integration with Tally saves valuable time of the employees. Which used to be spent on data entry and other manual tasks. For example, EasyReports, a BI tool with Tally ERP 9 integration, is able to automatically transfer data from Tally. Also, can do analysis on the recent data. There is no need to manually enter data into BI from Tally every time for a new set of transactions. The time saved by a BI tool can be used by employees to work on more productive and core business tasks.

Provides accurate data

SMEs can set targets more efficiently by analyzing the error free data. Because of seamless Tally integration with BI, there is no data duplication error and it eliminates manual intervention completely. Analysis of this accurate data helps the organization not only to set realistic target for various departments but also plays an important role to throw exceptions and alerts wherever needed on real time basis.

Tally Integration Architecture of EasyReports

EasyReports provides seamless connectivity to Tally.ERP9 with imports from Tally. The users can import data against multiple Tally company via direct import/file import/auto scheduler.

EasyReports BI uses the Tally SOAP interface to pull data from loaded companies. The software pulls in the following data from Tally:

  1. Masters – All Accounting and Inventory Masters
  2. Transaction including Accounting, Inventory, Order
  3. Closing Stock for each day with Godown and Batch Details

EasyReports provides file import options for remote data import from branch offices and non-integrated networks. You can also automate data import functionality through tally scheduler which can help you to reduce manual interference.

Data imports into EasyReports are highly optimized for performance with speeds of greater than 2000 transactions in quick frame of time. Regular updates of transactional information takes place within seconds.

The data import process is armoured through an elaborate error checking mechanism to prevent any invalid data from being imported or any inadvertent changes taking place. In case of unexpected errors or shutdowns of the physical hardware or application, EasyReports employs a self-recovery mechanism to invalidate the erroneous data.

If you are a small business, and want to avail all the benefits of a complete BI solution, EasyReports is just what you’ve been looking for. You can find more at www.easyreports.in

For details on the data structure of Tally data used in EasyReports BI please contact us at contact@easyreports.in