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Sales MIS and Consolidated Reports Across Branches for a Multi-State Auto Parts Distribution Company


September 11, 2024

Company Background

A well-known and leading multi-state auto parts distribution company, faced significant challenges in managing its sales and inventory operations across its numerous branches. The company’s primary pain point was the harmonization of item masters across different Tally companies, which hindered the consolidation of data and accurate reporting.


  • Inconsistent Item Masters: Initially, the lack of a common item master mapping across different Tally companies made it difficult to consolidate sales and inventory data accurately.
  • Limited Granularity: Consequently, the existing reporting system did not provide the necessary granularity to analyze sales and inventory performance at the item, customer, and sales team levels.
  • Inefficient Inventory Management: The company struggled with inventory ageing, stock holding, and recommended purchase decisions.
  • Delayed Decision-Making: Furthermore, The lack of timely and accurate information hindered the company’s ability to make informed business decisions.

Solution: EasyReports

To address these challenges, the company implemented EasyReports, a comprehensive reporting and analytics solution. EasyReports provided the tools and capabilities to streamline sales and inventory management processes, enabling the company to gain deeper insights into its operations.

Key Benefits

  • Harmonized Item Masters: EasyReports facilitated the harmonization of item masters across different Tally companies, ensuring consistent data entry and accurate reporting.
  • Granular Insights: Moreover, the solution provided detailed reporting on item dimensions (Manufacturer, Part No, Brand, Type of Vehicle, Type of Part) and customer dimensions (District, Town, Customer Type, Channel).
  • Sales Team Performance: EasyReports enabled the creation of sales team hierarchies and target vs. actual reporting, driving performance management and accountability.
  • Inventory Management: Furthermore, the company could track primary purchase performance against targets at the company, item, and brand levels, while also analyzing inventory ageing, stock holding, and recommended purchases.
  • Debtors and Collections: EasyReports provided comprehensive reports on debtors and collections, helping the company manage its accounts receivable effectively.


  • Improved Data Accuracy: Firstly, the harmonization of item masters and consistent data entry led to significantly improved data accuracy and reliability.
  • Enhanced Decision-Making: Consequently, the granular insights provided by EasyReports empowered the company to make data-driven decisions and identify areas for improvement.
  • Optimized Inventory Management: Moreover, the inventory management tools in EasyReports helped the company reduce excess inventory, improve stock turns, and minimize carrying costs.
  • Enhanced Sales Performance: The sales team performance tracking and target vs. actual reporting enabled the company to identify top performers, address underperformance, and optimize sales strategies.
  • Improved Cash Flow: The effective management of debtors and collections contributed to improved cash flow and reduced bad debt losses.


EasyReports played a crucial role in transforming company’s sales and inventory management operations. By addressing the challenges of inconsistent item masters and providing granular insights, the solution enabled the company to achieve greater efficiency, improve profitability, and gain a competitive edge in the market.